Use words that grab the reader's attention. Whatever you do, test it, and then test it again! Send out different versions of your design to similar groups in your database, and test to see which one results in the most responses. See if minor changes make a significant difference in the response rate. Play around with the design before sending the mailing out again. Always try to beat your previous response rate. The companies mailing these have spent thousands of dollars researching the best methods. your mailbox! You probably receive tons of good direct mail each year. When you need inspiration, just go to your own personal direct mail idea vault. Designers from around the world pitch you ideas. Find and hire a designer to make your vision come to life, or host a design contest and get ideas from designers around the world. But what sells? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when designing your next direct mail marketing piece: If you want an amazing direct mail design that stands out from the competition, work with a professional designer. This, in essence, is the first rule of direct mail design, according to legendary designer and author, David Ogilvy. Four Keys to Building Customer Relations. Call (800) 961-4877 or click here to email us. Only As Strong As Your Weakest Touch Point Contact our marketing experts if you have questions about our professional graphic design services and mailing services or if you need any assistance with marketing your business/organization. Funnel Your Efforts in the Right Direction. How Magnetic Marketing Cements Customer Loyalty. Build Your Brand with the 4 P’s of Marketing. 5 Reasons to Consider a Rebrand for Your Business. Marketing to the Smallest Viable Audience. DIRECT MAIL DESIGNER HOW TO
3 Ways to Sabotage Your Next Direct Mail Piece (And How to Market Smarter).
Incredible One-Liners: Crafting a Magical Sentence to Grow Your Business Create a Direct Mail Design for you Finish a design that you have partially created Update a design from a previous project Fix a design that isnt just.3 Keys for Reaching an Entitled Generation.Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist with Fascination.Hook Your Audience with Habit-Forming Products.Think Digital is Where It’s At? Think Again.